JavaScript grinds and tutors

Are you looking for JavaScript tutors? Are you struggling with the programming language and could you use some extra support?

UniProf offers professional and private JavaScript tutors for all students

Why choose a private tutor on UniProf? UniProf offers various benefits: 

  • UniProf assigns a private tutor in just a few days. After signing up and telling us what you are looking for in a tutor, UniProf will get you a tutor in just a few days.
  • Our tutors are professional. We check their experience and skill level on the subject. 
  • You can choose when and where you want your tutoring sessions to take place. Just discuss with your tutor when and where would be suitable for both of you!

JavaScript tutors for all your worries and questions

JavaScript is a complicated programming language. What topic are you struggling with? 

  • JavaScript fundamentals
  • Object-oriented aspects of JavaScript
  • AJAX and Fetch API
  • Asynchronous JS
  • DOM manipulation and events
  • IIFEs (Immediately Invoked Functions Expressions)
  • JSON and Object Literals
  • Error handling in JavaScript
  • Iterators and generators
  • JavaScript patterns
  • Regular expressions
  • and more

Programming tutors for all university programs

Find a JavaScript tutor on UniProf regardless of what university program you are following. 

  • Data science 
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Applied Bioinformatics
  • Software Development
  • Computational Arts
  • New Media
  • Spatio-temporal Analytics and Big Data Mining
  • Computing and Data Analytics
  • Computing and Technology
  • Spatial Data Science and Visualisation
  • Software Engineering
  • Communication Design
  • Geospatial Sciences
  • Creative Computing
  • Financial Technology
  • Web Technology

Book your first JavaScript tutoring session

Sign up now in just a few steps: 

  1. Register on UniProf. 
  2. Book your private tutor. 
  3. Meet your teacher during your first lesson. 

Register now on UniProf and book your JavaScript tutor!

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1. Sign up for free

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2. Choose between private lessons or join a group

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3. Start your lessons

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A selection of our tutors

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with more that 4years of web development, Focused on making html5 games multiplayer or single player

Rafael S.

Speaks: English, Filipino

I have a Diploma In Computer Science, I was introduced to programming when I encounter Visual Basic and make systems after that I learned the basic of turbo C and C++. Then I was amused when I faced Web development so I spend my time In making E-commerce and Browser games using Javascript. I can make Native apps using javascript as well


Masters Student offering HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT and SQL Tutions

Prakhar S.

Speaks: English

Hi, My name is Prakhar and i offer classes in HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT AND SQL for beginners. I have a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and Engineering and have a work experience of 3 years. I was the lead trainer for HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT for my company. I am currently pursuing a Masters in Data Science from Trinity College Dublin


Master student offers CS courses

Martin R.

Speaks: English, French


Hello I’m Martin, I’m currently in Erasmus in Dublin for an academic year. I come from Lyon, France and I study at EPITECH. I have animated workshops for high schoolers and early learners at my school. My subjects are C C++ JS Python and more broadly web development and AI. I hope see you soon at my lessons.


University Professor offering classes

Tauseef J.

Speaks: English

I'm interested to help and assist students of various levels in tutoring subjects, thesis and projects help etc. Feel free to contact me for further details. I have experience in post graduate teaching for 24 years. I taught to programs of computer science, electrical engineering, telecommunication, cyber security and electronics.


Experienced teacher with master in computer engineering

Ayat S.

Speaks: English, Arabic

My name is Ayat I have master in computer engineering from American University of Sharjah, Bachelor in computer engineering also. I have very long experience in teaching (schools, and universities) I worked also as a PHP programmer. I am a well skilled teacher in C++, PHP, Java, HTML, Python, Scratch, Makers empire. I have no difficulty in teaching any language. You can also check my profile in linkedIn I have published paper for my thesis you can see the reference: El-Fakih, K., Yevtushenko, N., Saleh, A.: Incremental and heuristic approaches for deriving adaptive distinguishing test cases for non-deterministic finite state machines. The Computer Journal (DOI 10.1093/comjnl/bxy086) (2018).


Entrepreneur and CTO of a software development company for more than 10 years

Vincent C.

Speaks: English, French

Self taught entrepreneur, I started my own software development agency when I was 20 years old while doing my Computer Science studies. I managed more than 20 people and taught numerous interns on how to become the best. I ran it for more than 10 years and left it to seek new entrepreneurial challenges/start a new business. I'm currently missing the teaching I was giving at my company and would like to give a try with students.



Charbel A.

Speaks: English, French, Arabic

As a scientific researcher and university lecturer in computer science and information systems my goal is to find out whether an already existing theory is true or false and keep discovering and developing hypothesis to advance technology which should contribute and add value to the universal body of knowledge. my interest in teaching courses in computer science, computer and communications engineering, and business computing is my priority as an educator. I would love to apply my skills and my academic experience with valuable students.

Verified education

We verify all education and teaching certificates of our teachers.


Universidad de Oviedo

Ingenierieo técnico en Informática de Gestión

Sep 2000 - Jan 2005


This degree allows the graduate to work in multiple areas of information technology (IT) and adapt himself to a professional environment in constant evolution. Graduates are able to occupy profiles in the fields of development and maintenance of applications, products and services, for which they acquire technical knowledge about software engineering and systems. They also address different computer technologies such as web and mobile applications or smart systems.



Computer Science & Information Technology

Dec 2016 - Nov 2020

I have completed my 4 year degree program in computer science. Major subjects included in my degree was Programming logics, Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence and many more.


Verified work experience

Work experience is verified in a personal interview before a teacher can teach on our platform.


European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Software Engineer

Nov 2012 - Feb 2015

I was a software developer in the Engineering Databases and Systems GS-ASE-EDS section at CERN, working on the Traceability of Radioactive Equipment (TREC) project. I have been involved in the development of the user interfaces and PL SQL code. I was also responsible for the installation of new dedicated PCs and equipment for TREC and the maintenance of the infrastructure. I provided support to users through the Service Now incident reporting system and by phone whenever necessary. We use an agile approach with weekly meetings with the product owner where future functionalities are decided and work is reviewed. The TREC system allows users at CERN to request radiation measurements on any object. It logs the radiation measurements, manages the transport of radioactive material as well as the storage of radioactive waste. The TREC application is integrated with other CERN systems, such as the maintenance management system (Infor EAM), the document management system (EDMS), the electronic data handling system (EDH) as well as the authentication system (SSO). This application is web based and hence works on any computer with internet access, and it is optimized for IPads for use in the field. Technologies: ORACLE: APEX, PL/SQL, JavaScript, JQuery. RADOS project : This projects records the measurements made by special machines on stored radioactive waste. The measurements performed by the machines are first stored on file on CERN’s DFS (Distributed File System). RADOS integrates these files with EDMS and Infor EAM so that they are more easily accessible and manageable by the appropriate personnel.. Technologies: ORACLE: PL/SQL, .Mybatis 3.1, Sardine 146, JAXWS 2.2.5 (Web Services), Java 1.6, Maven, SVN , JIRA, Bamboo.


International College IC, Beirut-Lebanon

Chemistry Instructor

Oct 2015 - Sep 2019

International Baccalaureate, French and Lebanese Baccalaureate Chemistry Instructor,


Costs and prices: javascript grinds

The costs of lessons depend on the group size, location and topics.

Average price: 23.98EUR/h

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Specialized teachers for any subject

We have teachers available for most subjects! Fill in a request and we provide you with a tailored course to your needs!


Master student offering Javascript lessons

Prakhar S.

I was a lead trainer for all front end technologies(HTML/CSS/JS) in my 3 years of working as a software engineer.


JavaScript lessons for every levels

Martin R.

JavaScript is nowadays one of the most important languages in development.
With theses courses, learn from basis to work ready level.
We will cover web development and algorithms with JS.


A highly experienced tutor offers JavaScript classes

Success G.

My name is Success, I'm an experienced web developer and designer.

I know how students learn JavaScript and what they need in order to master it. And with that knowledge, I designed the ideal course curriculum. It's a unique blend of real-world projects, deep explanations, theory lectures, and challenges, that will take you from zero to an expert and confident JavaScript developer.

So what exactly is covered in the course?

Build 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio! In these projects, you will learn how to plan and architect your applications using flowcharts and common JavaScript patterns

Master the JavaScript fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and more

Learn modern JavaScript (ES6+) from the beginning: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, default arguments, optional chaining, and more

How JavaScript works behind the scenes: engines, the call stack, hoisting, scoping, the 'this' keyword, reference values, and more.

Deep dive into functions: arrow functions, first-class and higher-order functions, bind, and closures.

Deep dive into object-oriented programming: prototypal inheritance, constructor functions (ES5), classes (ES6), encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Deep dive into asynchronous JavaScript: the event loop, promises, async/await, and error handling. You will use these to access data from third-party APIs with AJAX calls. [This is like a small standalone course]

Learn modern tools that are used by professional web developers: NPM, Parcel (module bundler), Babel, and ES6 modules.

Prepare for your exams and get help with your thesis!

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