Grinds and tutors in Dundalk

Do you need help with your exams? Maybe you don't understand your homework, assignment, or preparation for a hard subject? Do you live in Dundalk or around the city? Are you looking for tutoring which could lead to fast progress? UniProf offers you lessons and courses in Dundalk with private professional teachers. Become our students and see your progress.

From what subject can you choose to learn in UniProf?

Our platform offers a lot of different types of subjects. Private teachers are ready to help and focus on what you need.  You can choose from:

  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Physics
  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Biology
  • And more…

You can choose from group courses or individual courses, online or in-person courses…

UniProf would like to offer you as many benefits as possible. We choose the most suitable professional teachers and private lessons for you. Our team is prepared to teach you and improve you in tasks such as homework, exams, tests, assignments, or preparing for graduation or universities. Here you can read more advantages:

  • Choose your hours of lesson, which means you can have courses any time you want to
  • Choose group courses and learn with other people together
  • Choose individual courses and learn with a private teacher separately alone
  • Choose online courses from wherever you are
  • Choose face-to-face courses and attend classes to the arranged place
  • Have your courses with a professional teacher selected by your requirements

What should you prepare for online UniProf classes?

If you choose to have online classes with a private teacher, it is totally fine! It is very important to be prepared and ready. You can choose any subject to learn online via a video communication platform. So do not forget to download Zoom, Skype, Teams, or FaceTime. Furthermore, have prepared a computer, a microphone, and a camera. Do not forget to check your internet connection. If you have it prepared you are ready to learn!

Would you like to become our student at Dundalk and improve yourself?

If you want to start your courses with UniProf you have to register on our website. Don't worry it is for free! Follow these steps to make a full registration:

  1. Sign up to UniProf website
  2. Write about yourself and your needs
  3. Wait until we assign you a private professional teacher
  4. Start your first class with UniProf

What are you waiting for? Register now and become our student!

Finding a quality teacher has never been this easy!

3 simple steps to start your lessons!

1. Sign up for free

Describe your request and learning goals. Sign up in group or individually.

2. Choose between private lessons or join a group

You can join an existing learning group on your level or get a tailored lesson plan.

3. Start your lessons

After your first trial lesson you can decide whether or not to continue your lessons.

Verified education

We verify all education and teaching certificates of our teachers.



Masters in computer science

Jun 2005 - present

Masters in computer science


Oxford Brookes University

Bsc Hons in Applied Accounting

Mar 2012 - Mar 2016

I have learned how to apply technical skills into the area of research as my degree was solely based on a research thesis.


Verified work experience

Work experience is verified in a personal interview before a teacher can teach on our platform.


Higher Education Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan

Lecturer in physics

Nov 2014 - present

Lecturing physics


DFMG Solicitors, Dublin

IP & Corporate Intern

Jan 2017 - Apr 2017

Researched EU Directives and prepared case summaries and analysis for cases from the CJEU, prepared documents for use in trial, and assisted in litigation in the Irish High Court.


Costs and prices: grinds and tutors in Dundalk

The costs of lessons depend on the group size, location and topics.

Average price: 20.00EUR/h

Request information Become a teacher

Information brochure


Dundalk: Lessons on location or online

We offer lessons on location or online through video chat.


Districts: Carlingford, Dundalk South

Start your lessons today!

5/5    120 reviews

  • Verified teachers
  • See teacher reviews
  • Flexible lessons and appointments

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Trial lesson available!